Isa Forever

Isa Forever
Memorial Service

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

surprise bulbs

thank you for the bulbs, whoever you are.
this is the second anonymous gift i've gotten.
first it was the 'ben's bells' bell that hangs on my front door and says, "be kind."

today the ups truck brought me a present.
a box of bulbs planted in a faint pink metal bucket.
very cute.
i don't recognize the funny looking sprouts,
and i anticipate the blooms that will emerge.
the only note: 'to suzanna. thinking of you."

i'm super touched by the subtly of people's actions. it is kind of like having a secret admirer, but rather a secret empathizer. it is comforting to know people have not forgot the pain we are still in.

Babou has his final speech tomorrow for his public speaking class. his assignment is to give a tribute speech. guess who he has chosen to pay tribute to?

1 comment:

Paula said...

Babou's speech was very touching! It was so sad. I think about Isa and the pain you all must live with--it must be so difficult.
I enjoyed getting to know Babou in class and how we found a connection--his relative in Florida is my brother's best friend. Such a small world. I will read your blog and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Paula